Sunday, August 21, 2016

System Analysis

System Analysis

What is a system?
The dictionary meaning of the word 'System' is, a group of things or parts working together as a whole.
A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. The word sometimes describes the organization or plans itself.
Semprevivo (1982) defines a system as "a series of interrelated elements that perform some business activity, business function, or business operation.”

They are interrelated and interdependent. Any grouping of elements in a system that includes some but not necessarily all of the elements is called a subsystem.
In short, a system is an organization that can be reduced to its component parts on the basis of their functions.
Each functional component part is then a subsystem, which in turn can be reduced to its own component parts.

A system can be described in terms of inputs, process, outputs and the various controls operating on it, as suggested by Brophy, 1986.

Types of System

Murdick and Ross (1975) have identified different types of systems:

1. Conceptual Systems - These systems are basically concerned with theoretical structures as in General Theory of Relativity, Economic Theory etc.
2. Empirical systems -These systems in contrast to the conceptual systems are concrete operational systems made up of people, materials, machines and other such components.
3. Natural Systems - An example of such a system is an ecosystem or `the entire ecology of life’.
4. Man-made Systems -Example of such a system is the manufacturing system of a company.
5. Social Systems - These systems are made up of people and comprise interpersonal and inter group relationships.
6. Man-machine Systems - These systems exist in business and industry.
7. Pure Machine Systems - These systems are rare. Example could be a self sufficient system like an electrical power generating system, with self-repairing capabilities.
8. Open system - This system freely interacts with its environment.
9. Closed system -This system does not interact with its environment.
10. Stationary systems - These are systems whose properties and operations do not vary with time.
            An example of such a system would be a manufacturing unit producing the similar items.
  1. Non-Stationary systems -These systems vary with time. An example of this system is a R&D department or any other system that keeps evolving or changing with time.
  2. Reactive systems - These systems interact with their environment in order to improve their functioning and thus keep evolving.
  3. Non-adaptive systems - These systems do not change with respect of the environmental factors.
In a typical library and information system, for example, all major activities such as acquisitions, serials control, information storage and retrieval, user services and administration and planning are a set of elements, which are interdependent because of the common purpose they intend to serve.
Providing library and information service is the common purpose that binds or unites them into a set or system.
All major activities of this system from acquisition to management are thus, its subsystems

Library as a System

Library can be identified as a complex system.
Seven basic subsystems that make up the library system, as identified by Hays and Becker, are acquisitions, serials control, circulation control, cataloguing, inter-library loans, reference and administration and planning.
 Chapman and others list all these except inter-library loans, which understandably can form part of either circulation control or reference subsystem.
These can be restated as acquisitions, serials control, information storage and retrieval, user services and administration and planning.
This common purpose binds all these component parts into an integrated whole. They are interrelated functionally and, therefore, are interdependent.
For example, a change in the functioning of the acquisitions subsystem can affect the effectiveness of the user services subsystem.
Similarly, a change in the functionality of information storage and retrieval subsystem can also effect the effectiveness of user services subsystem and that of the system as a whole.
The above illustration is a presentation of well-defined functional interrelationships among the component parts of the library and information system. Because of these functional interrelationships the system is capable of achieving its objective.
When a library is viewed as an integrated system the interdepartmental boundaries appear superficial and fade away.
It can also be seen as an information storage and retrieval system. The inputs are the documents (journal, books, reports etc.) and expressions of the needs of users seeking information.
The collection in the stacks, vertical files, and catalogues, for example, is clearly storage. The processing is the analysis, representation, and organization of requests and retrieval of appropriate information from the collection in response to these requests.
Moreover, library is a dynamic organization with all its complex interactions and discontinuities. "Changing one policy can produce anticipated changes in apparently unconnected areas of service" (Brophy, 1986).


Harold Borko (as quoted by Werner Kunz and others) defines the term systems analysis as `a formal procedure for examining a complex process or organization, reducing it to its component parts, and relating these parts to each other and to the unit as a whole in accordance with an agreed upon performance criterion‘
 (Methods of analysis and evaluation of information needs'. Verlag Documentation, 1976). Following this definition, library as a system can be reduced to its component parts and these parts can be related to each other and to the system as a whole according to an agreed upon performance criterion. In the case of the library and information system, increased effectiveness can easily be such a performance criterion.
Such an exercise, then, will be a library systems analysis.

Steps in Systems Analysis

The process of System Analysis can be considered from two angles:
One is from the point of view of problem solving and the other from the point of view of development of new systems.
From the point of view of problem solving the following six basic steps are carried out:
  1. Definition and formulation of the problem;
  2. Development of alternative solutions;
  3. Construction of models which formalize the alternatives;
  4. Determination of the cost/effectiveness of the alternatives;
  5. Presentation of recommendations; and
  6. Implementation of the chosen alternatives.
The application of systems analysis to the development of system generally takes greater time period than in the case of problem solving.
The activities performed during the development of a system can be identified in three phases:
a)      System Analysis
b)      System Design
c)      System Implementation.

 The activities performed in these three phases are almost parallel to the six steps of problem solving as shown in Table 5.1.

A `Systems life Cycle' depicted in Figure 5.5 indicates the three phases of an Information System Development in relation to the major activities of each phase.

Generally, the application of the phases in the life cycle is a highly interactive ongoing operation, which is usually accomplished at the subsystem level and continues till the total system is modified and eventually supplemented.
 The functioning of a subsystem on the other hand is a very complex process and it varies from subsystem to subsystem. 
Take, for example, the acquisitions subsystem and we find that it consists of the following operations:

3 and 4 where 3 will be a decision followed by the action on it. The process of system analysis is usually represented graphically as follows
The above flow chart does not fail to show the relationship between acquisition and cataloguing subsystems. It also depicts a full analysis of the receiving and checking operation. Likewise, it is possible to analyze the operations of search and accounting

Each operation in a subsystem can thus be analyzed.
While designing a new system the existing system is analyzed into its subsystems and each subsystem into its operations, and, in turn, each operation into the functions, decisions and actions involved in it.
It is only through such an analysis that it is possible to relate all operations to each other and to the respective subsystem and all subsystems to each other and to the total system.

Flow Charting

Flow charting is the technique of representing, in a logical progression the functions, decisions and actions involved in the operation of a system.
Standardized symbols are used in drawing flow charts.
A flow chart can show the sequence of steps in an operation and, therefore, as Chapman and others call it, it is the symbolism of the systems analyst.
Flow charts can symbolically represent what is otherwise very difficult to describe. Take, for example, the case of borrowing a book from the library.
Both the user and the assistant at the counter do much more to complete the transaction that they can describe.
With the help of a flow chart it is easy to identify the functions, decisions and actions involved in the process.
Additionally, a flow chart can show where the system has developed and needs new procedures
Since, the flow chart is the symbolism of the systems analyst; standardized symbols are used in preparing it in order that it may be understood universally. The following are the symbols used in flow charting

A number of rules exits as guidelines for preparing flow charts. Some of the important ones are as follows:
− The above symbols form the universal language of flow charting and should be necessarily used,
− All the flow charts, irrespective of what they represent, should have terminals indicating start and halt;
− The graphic flow should be always in one direction, either top to bottom or left to right;
− All decision diamonds should have `yes' and `no' lines.

Flow charts are thus very useful for representing in a logical progression all elements in a system, sub-system or any of its operations.
Because of their symbolism they are universally understood and used. 
As far as the librarians are concerned, flow charts enable them to identify functions, decisions and actions which they perform in the course of their work but find it difficult to describe.


After the completion of analysis the analysts prepares the evaluation report which helps in designing a new system.
Chapman and others have given an exhaustive list of points that a report must cover. They are:
 − Front matter: table of contents etc.,
− Body: introduction, problem, objectives, scope and outcome;
− Methodology: planning, personnel, equipment and procedure;
− Results: data, their interpretation and analysis;
− Conclusions, recommendations and implications;
− Back matter: appendices etc.,


Briefly, systems design is what a systems analysis is undertaken for.
The analysis phase is the starting point and the design phase is the conclusion of the total exercise of systems analysis and design.
The existing system is analyzed in order to design an alternative which is thought to be more efficient, more productive and more rewarding.
The design phase, thus, uses the data collected in the analysis phase. What is determined in the analysis phase is validated in the design phase. It is advisable to first discuss the general considerations in systems design.

General Considerations

The changes suggested in the evaluation report are in fact the corrective measures that ought to be adopted. These measures are adopted in the light of three considerations, namely goals, cost factor and unit cost.
Let us now discuss them one by one.
Goals: The goals and objectives of the system have to be reviewed with reference to new and augmented (વધારાની) requirements. Appropriate modifications in either or both are made in order that, the projected system may achieve the desired goals.
Cost factor: Establishing a new system may mean a large capital outlay (મૂડી ખર્ચ) and increased incurring expenditure. For example, the computer and the peripherals, stationery and the personnel demand non recurrent as well as recurrent financial support. The cost factor is, thus, very significant. The economic feasibility of the projected system has to be studied. Such a study will enable the management to take the decision about establishing the alternative system, either as desired or as possible.
Unit cost: The estimated unit cost of each output from the projected new system is compared with the existing unit cost. If the new system can cut costs considerably, its establishment is imply justified. For example, the cost of cataloguing a book in American libraries came down to $1.5 from $15 after the establishment of OCLC network. More and more American libraries were tempted to participate in the network. This is the parameter of unit cost that is of great importance in design making.
If the analysis phase results in the determination of requirements, the design phase is concerned with the validation of these requirements to meet the system's revised goals, with the revision of goals there is revision of outputs and consequently of inputs.
Thus, the difference between the analysis and the design is of approach only. In the design phase, new procedures are worked out to meet the- projected requirements.
The elements of the system remain unchanged.
The subsystem and the operations are these elements.
Basically the design phase consists of the following four steps.
The First Step In this, all functions are re-planned so that they may be correlated.
The re-planning helps to eliminate duplication of records and ensure a logical sequence of all activities to be performed.
Because of the interdependence among workers the authority of the heads of subsystem is defined in order to increase the operational effectiveness of the total system.
New worksheets in place of old ones are prepared. The new work sheets state - new requirements and modified outputs to meet them.
The Second Step As the second step of designing all procedures conceived are reduced to writing.
They are described in detail in a logical sequence and supported by flow charts.
This is done for each operation. The description and flow charts together comprise the procedural manual.
The manual covers all activities and illustrates the flow of work
The Third Step This step is devoted to designing appropriate manual procedures.
Manual procedures exist and are indispensable even in a highly computerized library system.
Information has to be gathered and transformed as input. Even outputs have to be processed manually.
Good manual procedures, when described fully, are very helpful in transforming the system from manual to automate.
At this stage it is also necessary to ensure the appropriateness of procedures.
The Fourth Step This step consists in designing the printed forms.
These are used in transmitting information and storing and avoiding its repetitive transcription.
The design of forms is, therefore, guided by requirements and decisions.
The forms should be so designed as to allow the recording of information item by item in the logical order of elements.
A single form as far as possible should serve several purposes, e.g., a book order form can be at the same time used as: (a) on-order record, (b) process slip and (c) notification to the requester.
The form should provide for checking of boxes and should keep writing to the minimum and should be of standard size to facilitate filling.
Wherever economical, commercially available forms can be adopted, if they meet the data needs of the system.
Lastly, the form should be redesigned if necessary. If the forms are prepared observing the above principles, they will serve the purpose well.
The most important principle here is that the same data required at various points in the system should be recorded at one time only.
A new system is thus designed on the basis of the evaluation report brought out at the end of the analysis phase.
What is determined in the analysis is validated in the design. If necessary; either the goals or functions or both are revised in the light of the objectives and requirements.
Procedures are then drawn setting all operations and all steps in each operation in the logical order.
The cost factor is taken into account, economic feasibility is studied and the design is completed step by step.
Systems analysis and design, thus, is a two-phase exercise.
Q.1. Discuss in brief the system theory, concept, analysis, design & evaluation.
Q.2. What is “System”? Explain the types of System and discuss system analysis.
Q.3. Explain Library as a system and narrate system design for libraries

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